Integrative Treatments for Canker Sores
Canker sores are a common condition, that when severe, can cause significant pain and discomfort. Identifying any underlying factors and symptomatic treatments can help.
Canker sores are a common condition, that when severe, can cause significant pain and discomfort. Identifying any underlying factors and symptomatic treatments can help.
Colloidal silver is often described as a scam or as being outright dangerous. Yet a growing body of research suggests significant and medically relevant antimicrobial effects of silver nanoparticles.
There exists a revolving door between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry which raises obvious concerns for the impartiality of the drug approval process.
Cholesterol is typically touted as bad for heart health, and reducing it as a sure way to improve heart health. However, the data is more convoluted and worth exploring to better understand what we know.
Kidney stones are an excruciatingly painful condition that often recurs. However, several approaches appear to decrease the risks for repeated kidney stones, decreasing their incidence.