Bacopa monnieri: An Herbal Medicine to Support Brain Health
Bacopa monnieri or brahmi, is an ayruvedic herb with a long history of use for supporting the brain. Recent clinical trials appear to support its historical uses.
Bacopa monnieri or brahmi, is an ayruvedic herb with a long history of use for supporting the brain. Recent clinical trials appear to support its historical uses.
Intranasal ketamine has been approved for the treatment of depression. Current levels of evidence still raise concerns about its safety and efficacy.
Recent research has started to suggest that air pollution may be a significant risk factor in the development of dementia.
Light therapy appears to be an effective treatment option for reducing the symptoms of nasal allergies.
Sleep deprivation often has a surprising short-term benefit on the symptoms of depression. Certain techniques might be able to extend the effects to help relieve depressive symptoms.
Warts are a common, and often difficult to treat, condition. Fortunately, a number of natural and integrative approaches appear to hold promise for effectively treating recalcitrant cases.
PFAS, or toxic "forever chemicals," are used in numerous applications that continue to contaminate the environment, turning up in both food and drinking water at concerning levels.
Apigenin is a flavonoid found in celery, parsley and chamomile that appears to have some significant health benefits for helping prevent heart disease and bone loss, along with supporting mood.
Since initial research by Weston Price, there have been concerns about whether root canals pose health risks. Based on the research, it's worth seeing what we know.
Homeopathy is a controversial style of treatment that can be utilized for treating depression and anxiety. As such, it is worth exploring the latest research about its effects.
Zeolite products have been a recent fad in the health food industry. Interestingly, they may have some health benefits, but need to be handled properly for safety.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a fairly new treatment option that appears to hold promise for reducing or eliminating the symptoms of depression.
Detoxing is often claimed to be a myth or a scam, yet research suggests that there are real ways to assist in the elimination of toxicants from the human body. When used appropriately, detox techniques may help to support or restore health.
Anxiety is a common problem which often can be caused or worsened by deficiencies in different nutrients. Research also suggests that treatment with these nutrients may help with symptoms.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment that administers 100% oxygen at higher pressure to increase overall oxygenation of the tissues. While research is ongoing, it appears to hold promise for a number of conditions.
While normally thought of as just a treatment for iron-deficiency anemia, iron also appears to have a significant role in mental health.
Fresh strawberries are commonly contaminated with human waste and intestinal parasites. There are a few techniques that might help to reduce the risks.
Lion's mane mushroom is a distinctive mushroom that is often touted for it's mental health benefits. While current research is interesting, more studies are needed to confirm the initial findings.
Misophonia is a recently recognized condition where specific sounds can cause an individual intense discomfort and strong negative emotional reactions.
Water-damaged buildings are very common. And while not well understood, concerns exist for exposure to mold-based toxins, or mycotoxins, and their effects on health.